frissítés: új firmware a jtag-val

Mindig eksztatikusak vagyunk, hogy új chip- vagy SIM-kártyát kapjunk az interfészhez, de a lelkesedést jellemzően a prototípusozási folyamat jellemzi. A chip összekapcsolása Általában az áramkör, az írási kódot és a programozót húzza ki; Talán még egy prototípusos pcb is.

Néhány évvel ezelőtt építettük az első “busz kalóz”, egy univerzális buszinterfész, amely sok zsetonnal beszél egy PC soros terminálról. several conventional serial protocols are supported at 3.3-5volts, including I2C, SPI, and asynchronous serial. A további “RAW” 2- és 3-vezetékes könyvtárak majdnem minden szabadalmaztatott soros protokollokat tudnak kapcsolni. considering that this has been such a beneficial tool for us, we cleaned up the code, documented the design, and released it here with specs, schematic, and source code.

Koncepció áttekintése

A busz kalóz egy soros terminál híd több IC interfész protokoll. A parancsokat a számítógép soros terminálába írjuk be. A parancsok a PC-soros porton keresztül a busz kalózra mennek. A busz kalóz beszél egy mikrochip a megfelelő protokoll, és visszaadja az eredményeket a számítógépre.

Minden pins kimenet 3.3Volts, de 5volt toleráns. A fedélzeti 3.3volt és az 5volt tápegységek elérhetők a csatlakoztatott chipet. Szoftver konfigurálható I2C Pull-up ellenállások Töltse ki a csomagot.

A soros terminál interfész bármely rendszerrel működik: PC, Mac, Linux, Palm Pilots, Wince eszközök stb. Nincs szükség CRAMWARE. USB-eszközt vettünk figyelembe, de az USB nem kompatibilis a lényeges számú kézi eszközzel, amelyek soros portot tartalmaznak. Azt is akartunk egy 3,3volt eszközt 5vtolt toleráns bemenetekkel, de sok népszerűen átmenő USB-mikrofontoller 5volt rész (pl. A PIC18FX550).

The Bus Pirate currently ‘speaks’ three hardware protocols for high-speed interfacing, and has two software protocol libraries for easy bus manipulation. Az egyes protokoll elmélete és specifikációja túl van, amit itt fedezhetünk, de nézd meg ezeket az oktatóanyagokat:


Lassú 2 vezetékes busz. A Wikipedia egy fantasztikus hely az I2C háttér elindításához., robot elektronika, beágyazott rendszerek Akadémia és tiszteletre méltó I2C oktatóanyagok.


Egy alap 3 vezetékes busz. A Wikipedia háttérben van; A Beá fantasztikus bemutatója és összehasonlítása az I2C-hez.

Univerzális aszinkron vevő adó (uart vagy soros)

Egy óra és időzítőfüggő soros protokoll, amely a PC-soros port protokolljává válik. A Wikipedia háttérrel rendelkezik az aszinkron soros protokollokkal.

Nyers 2 vezeték

Ez egy generikus 2 vezetékes protokoll könyvtár, hasonló az I2C-hez, de anélkül, hogy egy Ack bit. I2C és sok szabadalmaztatott 2 vezetékes protokoll képződhet az ebben a módban rendelkezésre álló busz-manipulációk segítségével. Használja ezt a könyvtárat a Non-I2C 2 huzaleszközökkel való munkához, például a SmartCards vagy a Sensirion SHT11 hőmérséklet / páratartalom érzékelőkkel.

Nyers 3 vezeték

Ez egy generikus 3 vezetékes protokoll könyvtár, hasonló a SPI-hoz, de a hardvermodul korlátai nélkül. Használja ezt a könyvtárat, hogy dolgozzon olyan eszközökkel, amelyek nem 8bit kompatibilis 3-vezetékes protokollokat használnak, mint például a Sparkfun Nokia 6100 LCD Knock-off. lots of 3 wire protocols can be formed using the bus manipulations available in this mode.


Kattintson egy teljes méretű PCB elhelyezési képre (PNG). A csavaros csatlakozók csatlakoznak a tápegységekhez. A hét pólusú fejléc egymás után csatlakozik az IO csapokhoz. A címke ellenére csak 7Volts DC szükséges.

























Ez a táblázat az egyes buszokhoz tartozó PIN-kapcsolatokat mutatja. A RAW 2 vezetékes mód ugyanazt a PIN-konfigurációt használja, mint az I2C. A RAW 3 vezetékes mód ugyanazt a PIN-konfigurációt használja, mint SPI.

Kattintson egy teljes méretű áramkör (PNG) gombra. Az áramkört és a PCB-t a Cadsoft Eagle freeware verziójával hozták létre. Töltse le a projekt archívumát (zip).

Pic 24fj64ga002

PIC24FJ64GA002 mikrokontrollert használtunk a busz kalózban; this is the same chip we used in our mini-server project. It’s fast enough to do everything we want (16MIPS), and the peripheral pin select feature allows the hardware SPI, UART, and I2C modules to share output pins. Each power pin needs a decoupling capacitor(C12,13), and the MCLR function requires a resistor (R7) between pin 1 and 3.3volts. The photo has an internal voltage regulator that requires a 10uF tantalum capacitor (C3), though we used a plain electrolytic capacitor without issue. read about programming and working with this chip in our PIC24F tutorial. If you don’t have a photo debugger, several readers recommend the under-$40 ICD2 clones on eBay.

The photo runs at 3.3volts, but the digital-only pins are 5volt tolerant for interfacing 5volt logic. Pins 14,15,16,17,18,21, and 22, are digital only, which we figured out by looking through the datasheet and eliminating any pins with an analog connection type (table 1-2, pages 11-16). According to the datasheet,I2C pins are also 5volt tolerant. There’s a bunch of conflicting information on the web, but datasheet page 230, parameter DI28, clearly states that the max input for a 24FJ64GA002 I2C pin without analog circuitry is 5.5volts.

Pins 21 and 22 (RB10/11) can pull-up SDA/SCL through resistors R4 and R5.


This chip converts 3.3volt serial output to +/-10volt RS232 signals compatible with a PC serial port. The MAX3223CPP is a 3-5volt version of the MAX202, with extra power saving features. MAX RS232 transceivers require four 0.1uF capacitors for a charge pump (C4,5,7,8), and one decoupling capacitor (C17). We used the same capacitors for everything.

We used a MAX3223CPP, which doesn’t seem to be available anymore. MAX3223EEPP+ is a pin-compatible newer version, available at Digikey for $7. Jaj! None of the 3223’s power saving features are used, so a cheaper, simpler 3.3volt RS232 transceiver must be substituted if in any way possible.


Most chips can be powered from the Bus Pirate’s on-board 3.3volt and 5volt supplies. 5volts is supplied by a common 7805 regulator (VR2) and two decoupling capacitors (C9,10). An LM317 adjustable regulator (VR1) is set to 3.3volts using two resistors (R2,3), and requires two decoupling capacitors (C6,7). The circuit requires a 7-10volt DC supply (J1).

Part list



MAX3223CPP (try MAX3223EEPP+)

10uF capacitor (preferably tantalum)

0.1uF capacitors

330 ohm resistor

240 ohm resistor

390 ohm resistor

2K2 ohm resistor



Screw clamp (3 terminals) *untested

DB9 female connector (serial port) *untested

.1″ pin header, ideal angle

Power jack, 2.1mm pin

3mm LED (optional)


The firmware is written in C using the complimentary demonstration version of the photo C30 compiler. learn all about working with this photo in our introduction to the photo 24F series. Töltse le a projekt archívumát (zip).

main.c – Handles the user terminal interface.

busPirate.c – Abstraction routines that convert syntax to actions on the proper bus.

uartIO.c – IO routines for both hardware UARTs.

m_i2c_1.c – software I2C routines by [Michael Pearce]. We couldn’t get the photo hardware I2C to work, so we used this valuable library. The software doesn’t take into account the I2C speed setting, and seems to work at about 5KHz.

SPI.c – routines that drive the hardware SPI module.

raw2wire.c – software 2-wire interface library.

raw3wire.c – software 3-wire (SPI) interface library.

User input is held in a 4000 byte buffer until a newline character (enter) is detected. If the first character of the input is a menu option (see below), the menu dialog is shown, otherwise the string is parsed for data to send over the bus (see syntax). The code consists of an embarrassing number of switch statements and spaghetti code.

Terminal interface

Rather than write a junk piece of software to control the device, we gave it a serial command line interface that will work with any ASCII terminal.  The bus pirate responds to commands with three digit result codes and a short message. The codes are created with PC automation in mind. We’ve included a table of result codes in the project archive (zip).

Menu options

Menu options are single character commands that don’t involve data transfers. enter the character, followed by , to access the menu.

? – show a help menu with commands and syntax.

M – set the bus mode (SPI, I2C, UART, raw 2 wire, raw 3 wire). followed right away by a prompt for speed, polarity, and output state (mode dependent).

Bus speeds: SPI:30, 125, 250, 1000KHz. I2C:100, 400, 1000KHz. UART: 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200bps. Raw modes: 1, 10, 50KHz.

Inverse clock setting sets the idle state opposite of normal (normal SPI:idle low; normal UART:idle high): SPI:idle high; UART:idle low.

Some modes have optional high-z output modes for use with pull-up resistors (Low=ground, High=input).

L – Toggle bit transmit/receive order: most/least significant bit first.

P – SDA/SCL pin pull-up resistor toggle (3.3volts). only valid in I2C and raw 2 wire modes.

O – set number output display format. The terminal can display numbers as decimal, hexadecimal, and binary ASCII values. A fourth format sends the raw, unprocessed byte for reading ASCII formatted text.


A basic syntax is used to communicate with chips over a bus.  Syntax commands have generic functions that normally apply to all bus types.

A/a/@ – Toggle auxiliary pin. capital “A” sets AUX high, small “a” sets to ground. @ sets aux to input (high impedance mode) and reads the pin value.

[ – start data write. SPI/raw 3 wire: chip select enabled. I2C/raw 2 wire: start condition. RS232: open UART, discard received bytes.

{ – start data write with reads. same as [, except: SPI/raw 3 wire: show the read byte for each write. RS232: display data as it arrives asynchronously.

] or } – end data write. SPI/raw 3 wire: chip select disabled. I2C/raw 2 wire: stop condition. RS232: close UART.

R/r – read byte. SPI/raw 3 wire: send dummy byte, return read. I2C: read byte with ACK. Raw 2 wire: read 8 bits. RS232: check UART for byte and return, or fail if empty. use 0r1…255 for bulk reads up to 255 bytes.

0b – write this binary value. format is 0b00000000 for a byte, but partial bytes are also fine: 0b1001.

0h or 0x – write this HEX value. format is 0h01 or 0x01. Partial bytes are fine: 0xA. A-F can be lower-case or capital letters.

0-255 – write this decimal value. any number not preceded by 0x, 0h, or 0b is interpreted as a decimal value.

, or space – Value delimiter. use a coma or space to separate numbers. any combination is fine, no delimiter is required between non-number values: {0xa6,0, 0 16 5 0b111 0haF}.

Direct bus manipulation commands for raw 2 wire mode and raw 3 wire mode.
^ – send one clock tick. use 0^1…255 for multiple clock ticks.

/ and \ – Toggle clock level high (/) and low (\). includes clock delay (100uS).

-/_ – Toggle data state high (-) and low (_). includes data setup delay (20uS).

! – read one bit with clock.

. – read data pin state (no clock).

& – delay 1uS. use 0&1…255 for multiple delays.

Használni azt

Here are two examples that show the Bus Pirate in action. Terminals must be set to ASCII mode with local echo, we used the Windows serial terminal. The PC-side serial connection is 115200bps, 8N1. The Bus Pirate must respond to any single line feed type (0x0a, 0x0d), or both (Windows style).

.I2C/SPI – Flash 24LC1025 EEPROM

Microchip’s EEPROMS are popular permanent-storage memory chips, the 24LC1025 has 128Kbytes of storage with an I2C interface.  We can test this chip without bread-boarding a big circuit or writing code.

The picture shows an 24LC1025 connected to the Bus Pirate. The EEPROM works from 2.7 to 5volts, so we used the 3.3volt supply from the Bus Pirate to power the circuit. The on-board SDA/SCL pull-up resistors hold the I2C bus high, and eliminate the need for external resistors. A single 0.1uF capacitor decouples the EEPROM from the power supply.

Setup I2C mode

First, we setup the Bus Pirate for I2C mode and enable the pull-up resistors. considering that the Bus Pirate currently uses a software I2C library, the speed setting doesn’t really have an effect.

SPI>m  <–enter m for mode select 1. SPI 2. I2C 3. UART 4. RAW 2 WIRE 5. RAW 3 WIRE MODE>2  <–enter 2 for I2C 900 mode SET Set speed: 1. 100KHz (Standard) 2. 400KHz (Fast Mode) 3. 1MHz (High Speed) SPEED>1 <–speed doesn’t really do anything… 901 speed SET 202 I2C READY, P/p FOR PULLUPS I2C>P   <–enable the I2C pull-up resistors 205 I2C PULLUP ON I2C>

Write to EEPROM (I2C)

All I2C operations begin with a start condition { or [, and end with a stop condition } or ]. A write begins by addressing the device (1 byte) and trying to find an acknowledgment bit (ACK). If the EEPROM responds, we can send the data location to write (2 bytes) and data payload (n bytes). The Bus Pirate automatically checks for an ACK at the end of each write, and ACKs each read.

The 24LC1025 base address is 1010xxy, where xx is figured out by the state of pins 2 and 3, and y is read (1) or write (0) mode. We tied pins 2 and 3 high, making the full write address 1010110.  We’ll start writing to the device at the first data location (0 0), and write one to thirteen using a mix of data input formats (1…13).

I2C>{0b10100110 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0xb 0xc 13} <–I2C command 210 I2C start condition <–bus start 220 I2C WRITE: 0xA6 got ACK: yes <–address sent and ACK received 220 I2C WRITE: 0x00 got ACK: yes <–write address 220 I2C WRITE: 0x00 got ACK: yes <–write address 220 I2C WRITE: 0x01 got ACK: yes <–data … 220 I2C WRITE: 0x0D got ACK: YES 240 I2C stop állapot I2C>

Read from EEPROM (I2C)

Reading the 24LC1025 takes two steps. First, a write command with no data sets the address pointer. Second, a read comm

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